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Target Balms Review, Anyone Use Target Balms Yet?

Target Balms Review, Anyone Use Target Balms Yet?

Target Balms

Recently introduced, the all-natural Target Balms, promises to fix and soothe knocks, bumps, and bruises. Since there aren’t many customer reviews yet we are curious as to who has already used this ointment. So far we can judge it on its ingredients and these are assuring to say the least. Let’s have a closer look.

When it comes to the right solutions to common body and muscle pains, strains, bumps, and bruises, often the best alternative is to treat them topically instead of taking painkillers or oral medications. This is what promises to provide; quick pain relief and better wound healing.

Target Balms is similar in appearance and function to many other balms or topical bruise relief products on the market. The only difference; it contains effective painkilling and healing ingredients that are unique from New Zealand. It’s a natural balm formulated from natural ingredients and doesn’t contain artificial or risky chemicals such as paraben.

The balm’s natural ingredients

Among the noted components of Target Balms include extracts from the Arnica Montana flower, kiwi seeds, and the highly noted Manuka honey.

  • Arnica Montana flowers have anti-inflammatory properties in the form of its complex sesquiterpene lactones. This lactones help ease that painful sensation plus the actual appearance of swelling. It promotes proper blood circulation on the affected or injured area, and triggers your white blood cells to perform tissue repairs.
  • Manuka honey has recently received widespread attention because of its tag as a “superfood”. Used successfully, and on a growing basis, in the treatment of wounds and skin ailments this honey makes a great addition. As a potent ingredient of Target Balms, Manuka honey prevents wound infection as it possesses very strong antibacterial properties.
  • Kiwi seed extract promotes cell regeneration. For the injured skin or muscle, you would need this to be able to replace the wounded tissues with new ones. Kiwi seeds are noted to posses high amounts of Essential Fatty Acids, most commonly known as the good fats or good cholesterol.

If you are not familiar with the pain reducing properties of Arnica Montana yet you may find this post on Arnica cream interesting. There’s at least one randomized, double-blind study showing this herbal substance to be at least as effective as traditional therapies.

Stressing the absence of paraben

From its label, Target Balms Bumps & Bruises stresses the absence of paraben in its make or formulation. You might not be familiar with it, but paraben are a common ingredient of almost all cosmetic and personal care products including those that you regularly use like soaps, shampoos, and toothpastes.
Is this chemical harmful? Paraben is a kind of preservative making these cosmetic products lasts longer. And according to most health experts, constant exposure to paraben may lead to the development of cancer particularly of the breast. For the males, it has been noted to affect the reproductive system.

Target Balms Bumps & Bruises applications

Target Balms could be used and applied to a particular body part or muscle for the following purposes:

  • To provide relief to aching, painful, stiff, or strained muscles
  • To speed up the healing of bumps and bruises caused by the most common indoor and outdoor injuries.
  • Preventing infection of the bruise or wound.
  • Or simply for providing that needed muscle and joint warmth during the freezing days of winter or when performing a snow sport or adventure.

Customer’s experience with Target Balms

Although the balm is still on its introductory phase, it has received favorable reviews or comments from customers and users. Majority of the balm’s existing users agree that it helps in mitigating the painful sensation caused by an injury and it does really speed up healing and recovery.

Target Balms brings together the best natural ingredients (Arnica Montana, Manuka honey and healthy fruits) to create a range of elite performance balms to treat bruises and bumps.

If you are an avid mountain biker, a martial artist or for another reason have bruises regularly you may want to treat them naturally. These temporary body ornaments may not only hurt but you may find them disturbing as well. Also various types of surgery leave bruises. Whatever the case, if you live in the UK this herbal cream is very likely to speed healing and reduce those ugly marks. If you have already used this cream we would love to hear about your experiences. Target Balms is not yet available in the US.





One Response to Target Balms Review, Anyone Use Target Balms Yet?

  1. Under its previous name “FIX” this product was used by my physio following surgery for Duptyren’s Contracture. It does not seem to me generally available currently – can you help?

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